22 de junho de 2014

Which Austen heroine am I? (2ª tentativa)

Engraçado como as coisas mudam. Da última vez que fiz esse teste (em 2011), saiu a Elizabeth Bennet. Agora saiu a Catherine Morland, de Northanger Abbey. Será que quanto mais velha, mais imatura e sonhadora eu fico?! heheh

You Are...Catherine Morland!

ou are Catherine Morland of Northanger Abbey! You love a good Gothic romance - so much, in fact, that you'll fool yourself into thinking you're living one! You are imaginative and naive, which is at once endearing and perplexing. Perhaps your heart is TOO pure...but it is adventurous. After all, you love a trip to Bath or a stay at an ancient Abbey.

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